Monday, September 23, 2019

The Emperor Justinian's Code influenced government organization, views Research Paper

The Emperor Justinian's Code influenced government organization, views on leadership and church-and-state relationships throughout many future governments - Research Paper Example The laws became the legal binding laws of the state. The Emperor Justinian’s Code influenced government organization, views on leadership and church-and-state relationships throughout many future governments. Justinian was born 482 in the area that in modern times is called the Balkans, north of Greece. He was the nephew of the then emperor and thus had had a great deal of power even before he became the emperor. On his accession to the throne, he united the neighboring areas to become the sole emperor of the east region for thirty-seven years from 527. The then state was closely connected with the church. All emperors preceding Justinian, since the dominance of Constantine, had always incorporated religious extremism of intolerance into the legal framework and thus Justinian followed the same tradition. The past regimes had been very ruthless persecuting those who did not tow to the Christian teachings, Justinian’s reign became a very crucial era that affected future governments especially in antiquity and early epoch of the middle ages. In the Nicene religious wars, the emperor became an icon and a hero as he led successive campaigns against the classical thought, and all other people opposed to Christianity (Sarris 65). He achieved these victories against non-believers by imposing oppressive binding imperial decrees that were not to be opposed, the government of Justinian was unanimously supporting forced conversions, and the existing temples of other religions were destroyed with the government troops actively involved in the religious campaigns. Though the use of troops in the enactment of the religious agendas had been inexistence since the time of Constantine, it reached its climax during the time of Justinian. The emperor’s campaigns of using state machinery to force other people to do the bidding of the church became very formidable such that it lasted for generations until the

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